Item 1: 52 photographs taken by Lieutenant Anderson, Indian Medical Service, with caption lists (1915, nd). Item 2: 28 photographs taken by Captain Geoffrey Bradford Worsdell, Prince of Wales' Own Yorkshire Regiment (Green Howards), attached to Indian Signals Service in 1917 (1914-1917, nd). Item 3: 117 photographs taken by H.S. Everett (1917, nd). Item 4: Photograph album [1918-1919]. Item 5: 44 photographs, some relating to the RAMC (Royal Army Medical Corps) (nd). Item 6: 53 photographs, with photocopied map and typed extract from a letter written by Lieutenant R.O. Chamier, 110th Mahratta Light Infantry, regarding Ambulance Trains (1914-1919, nd). Item 7: 69 copied photographs, with negatives, caption lists and correspondence from the donors (nd). Item 8: 24 photographs taken by Corporal E.C. Coulthard, Royal Engineers, and Sergeant Roland Harrison (nd). Item 9: 6 photographs (nd). Item 10: Photograph of Light Armoured Motor Battery at Abu Kemal, with two letters of reference relating to Captain H.G. Paton, 126th Baluchistan Infantry, Indian Army (1920, 1 December 1922, 9 December 1922). Item 11: 8 photographs of Kut, Baghdad, Calcutta, Mandalay and Malta (nd). Item 12: 41 photographs (nd). Item 13: 107 photographs, with negatives, taken by 2nd Lieutenant H.B. Bennett, 2nd Battalion, Royal West Kent Regiment (March 1917-June 1918, nd).